Solving the Foreclosure Crisis One Homeowner at a Time...

Thanks for joining us as we talk about real estate items pertaining to the Phoenix Metro Area. There are alternatives to foreclosure. Let us help you. Foreclosure should always be your last resort. For more information on how to avoid foreclosure and a list of homes for sale, please visit our site at Need to find or sell a house?? Call us at 623-694-0354.

What is a Short Sale?? Click Here.

Friday, September 27, 2013

What' s REALLY Happening in West Valley Real Estate...

Currently we have 2.5 months worth of inventory in the west valley. This means that if no more homes come up on the market and buyers keep buying at the same pace, there will be no more homes to buy in 2.5 months. However, real estate is not static and more homes are consistently being added to our "For Sale" list. (We have 2 great new listings today!)

This 2.5 months benchmark DOES indicate that we are in a seller's market. Because of this lower inventory, sellers are able to push the pricing ceiling. However, sellers must always keep their eyes on the actual sold prices in their area if the house needs to be appraised. We have seen quite a few sellers reach for the stars when pricing their homes only to have the values corrected when the appraisal results arrive.

Mortgage Interest rates dropped slightly last week. Even if interest rates rise slightly, there is a silver lining. Historically, when interest rates have risen, more loan programs were created and more buyers were able to buy. The number of loan programs available affects the number of real estate sales more than a rise in interest rates. So sellers should not fret if rates do increase.

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