Solving the Foreclosure Crisis One Homeowner at a Time...

Thanks for joining us as we talk about real estate items pertaining to the Phoenix Metro Area. There are alternatives to foreclosure. Let us help you. Foreclosure should always be your last resort. For more information on how to avoid foreclosure and a list of homes for sale, please visit our site at Need to find or sell a house?? Call us at 623-694-0354.

What is a Short Sale?? Click Here.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Father's Day to all you lucky fathers out there. My father is 85 and still vibrant (and funny) and I realize how lucky we are to have him. Can't wait to see him in 2 weeks as we welcome another new baby into our family. I am glad he is able to see the family growing.

I say "lucky" father's because just this month my brother in law became a father for the first time. He is 47 years old and he and his wife tried to conceive for years. Finally, after all this time and heartache, they decided they were ready to adopt and now are parents to an adorable 4 month old. All fathers are "lucky" indeed.

Have a great Father's Day!

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