Solving the Foreclosure Crisis One Homeowner at a Time...

Thanks for joining us as we talk about real estate items pertaining to the Phoenix Metro Area. There are alternatives to foreclosure. Let us help you. Foreclosure should always be your last resort. For more information on how to avoid foreclosure and a list of homes for sale, please visit our site at Need to find or sell a house?? Call us at 623-694-0354.

What is a Short Sale?? Click Here.

Friday, May 9, 2014

400,000 loan Modifications Expiring

I just learned that in 2009 over 400,000 loan modifications were given. Soon those loan modifications will be expiring.  This means that 400,000 homeowners will need to make some big decisions in the next six months.
It is time for the Drefs team to get busy so that these homeowners realize that they have a friend.

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