Solving the Foreclosure Crisis One Homeowner at a Time...

Thanks for joining us as we talk about real estate items pertaining to the Phoenix Metro Area. There are alternatives to foreclosure. Let us help you. Foreclosure should always be your last resort. For more information on how to avoid foreclosure and a list of homes for sale, please visit our site at Need to find or sell a house?? Call us at 623-694-0354.

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mortgage Interest Rate Increase = Slow in Housing Appreciation

The housing market is coming back nicely. As sellers, we need to not be over exuberant when it comes to pricing. There is little doubt that house prices have appreciated over the last twelve months in most regions of the country. However, with both the inventory of homes for sale AND interest rates increasing, we have to be careful to not over judge what the market can bare.

 The rate of price appreciation may slow as rates and inventories increase. Investors will begin to slow their purchases and the first-time buyers expected to take their place may be working within a pre-set budget.

 Let’s look at an example: A young couple is looking for a home and have predetermined that their budget will only allow them to spend $1,000 a month on a mortgage. At today’s mortgage rate of 4.5%, they could afford a $200,000 mortgage ($1,013 principal & interest). However, if rates jump to 5%, they would have to lower their mortgage amount to $190,000 in order to keep their monthly payment where they need it ($1,020). At 5.5%, the mortgage would need to be no more than $180,000 ($1,022).

This decrease in buyers’ purchasing power will have an impact on home values going forward. We do not believe it will cause a decrease in prices. However, we do believe it will likely cause current rates of appreciation to slow.

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