Solving the Foreclosure Crisis One Homeowner at a Time...

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Friday, May 13, 2011


The biggest mistake a home buyer can make is to underestimate the impact of lower interest rates on housing costs, and the relative affordability of housing in the United States. The cost of a loaf of bread and a gallon of gas has more than tripled since 1989, and car prices have nearly doubled. While the median price of a new home has increased by 70 percent, mortgage interest rates, which stood at 10 percent back in 1989, are less than half of what they were back then. The impact of rock-bottom interest rates is that the monthly mortgage payment on a median priced home in the United States has increased by a mere $4 since 1989.

Unless a buyer is paying cash, the monthly payment tends to be a far more relevant number than the home’s actual purchase price. So for buyers who are waiting for home prices to hit the floor before buying, it’s important to point out that the possibility of a slight drop in the price of a home will have very little impact on the monthly payment, while even a slight rise in interest rates (a far more likely scenario) will have a significant impact.

Timing the market to a T is never possible and in the current market, staying on the sidelines is more likely to result in a missed opportunity than a small savings. Waiting on the lowest price while interest rates tick upwards, can cost you more in the long run.

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